Mutual pact
I’m telling you. There is a secret conspiracy among children. They all have some kind of invisible line with each other. When mom and dad are not paying attention they secretly date each other. It is a mutual pact in which they agree on who will make a mess and when.
I suspect children make it a sport to give their mom and dad as little rest as possible.
You’re finally sitting on the couch with a cup of tea and your toddler throws a cup of lemonade on the floor. You can’t leave this lying around because a dog runs right through it and the cats are licking up the rest. Feast!
You have just cleared your floor of dust, hairballs and sprinkles and your toddler decides that he really has to go inside with his boots NOW. And no, he cannot wait for you to take off his boots outside. Never mind that it stays on the doormat for a while.
No, he has to run inside right now.
Have you just settled down in your warm bed, hoping for a peaceful night where your baby will sleep through the night?. Do the newborn lady demand that she still really wants a bottle and then really doesn’t want to sleep in her own bed. Day of sleep.
Did you ’ve given a bottle to the little princess at 6 o’clock in the morning, you crawl back into bed for a while. You have just dozed off into a deep sleep, then a busy toddler comes into your bed saying he really can’t sleep. Would you like to put him back in his bed six more times.
Oh yes, if you would like to sing a song and tell a story at the same time. Read; mama is wide awake again, grrr..
Did you just give your baby a bath. Hair washed, clean clothes on. Which by the way is also a problem because everything is small with a baby and then try to put those tiny limbs in even smaller clothes while she is crying loudly because getting dressed is stupid. Is your baby fresh and fruity, spits out an entire feeding.
Result; stinking milk in her neck, soaking wet hair and a wet shirt. Gone zwitsal scent. Sigh..
Put on your toddler last minute nice clothes for the pictures’s that will be taken at preschool. Just a little gel in his hair and he will look good as new. Exactly two minutes before you go out the door the gentleman rolls over on the couch so that his hair doesn’t fit any more and he quickly rubs his pasta mouth on his nice clean shirt.
There is no time left to dress him up so he takes his picture like a real bum. Ohw and of course he had fallen hard the day before and still has a nice scrape on his cheek. So…
And so I can go on and on. Just when you think you have had it all, your children create a new situation to take advantage of. Anything to keep mom and dad busy.
Well, at least it keeps me off the streets.
Have you ever experienced similar situations? Good luck 😉
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